Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Music Man Garners a Merit Award

The MPL Composer, whom I call the Music Man, volunteers as a sound engineer at Theatre 7, the community theatre of Decatur, Illinois.  In the July 2012 newsletter, Theatre 7 announced that Danny Buckley (I'll use his real name instead of his "Cauli" name) was presented with a merit award (for sound engineering) for the group's 48th season.

We thought that was plenty cool, particularly because the Music Man is part of our volunteer library family.  He composes all of the original musical scores the Library uses in its videos.  We use other people's music, too (e.g., Wild Thang's early literacy song videos), but mostly we use the Music Man's compositions.

Beside being a composer/sound engineer, the Music Man is also a talented musician.  He plays guitar and piano.  His original compositions have been publicly performed (here's an example), as has he, or, rather, as he has, as you may recall from a previous blog posting.

Congrats, Music Man!  One of many awards, we are confident.

Awards Are Almost as Good as Canned Tuna-in-Oil,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Volunteer Award News Beat

P.S.  Here's a nice example of one of the Music Man's original scores being used as a soundtrack in the Library's book trailers.

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