Friday, August 31, 2012

MEG-A-RAE, the TARDIS, and Grimm Talk

Episode three of MEG-A-RAE, the Library's new vlog or vblog (video blog) series, features a round-table discussion about the BBC television program, Doctor Who, plus Rae and Meg discuss some time travel reading suggestions.

Episode four gets Grimm when Meg and Rae talk about fairy tales and folklore stories.

Lots of great reading suggestions, plus Doctor Who.  That's a full plate, I'd venture.

Nice Special Effects,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Vlog News Beat

P.S.  I know that there was a new Doctor Who theme song recorded in 2010 for the modern series (now beginning its seventh season), but you probably haven't heard the theme music from the original (or "classic") series, which ran from 1963 through 1989.  Here's the TV theme used during 1963-1969.

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