Saturday, August 4, 2012

Here to Stay

Earlier this week, my Library's website committee met to discuss planning strategies, work assignments, schedules, and such like.  One of the agenda items was blogging, and it was decided that some blog posts (for those blogs not granted their own blog pages on our new website) would be included in MPL Blog (on the new website), which those of us blogging would continue to post to our Blogger accounts.

That means my blog will continue right here!  No need to go elsewhere, although there will be a few postings uploaded to the new website blog section (under MPL Blog).

We consider this grand news and are quite happy about it.

Glad to Continue Where We Began,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Blog News Beat

P.S.  "Stay," by Pink Floyd, appeared on the LP Obscured by Clouds (1972).

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