Monday, August 20, 2012

2012 Banned Books Week (Sept. 30-Oct. 6)

My Library has just made a promo trailer for 2012 Banned Books Week, which is September 30 through October 6, and which this year features a virtual read-out of banned books.  It is the 30th anniversary of BBW, and this year's theme celebrates "30 years of liberating literature."  For more information, visit the American Library Association (ALA) website.

We have a banned book trailer playlist on the MPL YouTube Channel.  Fight censorship.  Read a banned book.

Or Have Your Minions Read To You--Works For Moi,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Banned Books News Beat

P.S.  "Should I See" was an anti-censorship song by Frozen Ghost, which appeared on the LP by the same name (1987).  Here is the group's official music video.

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