Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Spookier Than You Might Think

Are there ghosts roaming the stacks (and elsewhere) in Mooresville Public Library?  Find out on Saturday, July 14, 2012, from 6-7 p.m., when Ghost Hunters at the Library reveal results of their paranormal investigation.  Using high-tech equipment, the researchers encountered some rather spooky results that are difficult to explain by ordinary theories of cause-and-effect.  If Sir Isaac Newton were around to encounter these experiences at MPL, he'd probably say that the apple hit him harder than he thought.

What happened?  You'll have to attend the program to discover whether spirits haunt your library, and if so, whether they can communicate.
Can't make it to the program?   We've got you covered.

Hey, I live around here, and what I've heard happened creeped moi out plenty.  And I don't scare easily.  I'm a black cat, after all.  I'm used to paranormal experiences.

Things That Go Knock in the Night,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Programs News Beat

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