Monday, July 16, 2012

MPL YouTube Channel Hits 150K

Sometime earlier this morning, the MPL YouTube Channel reached 150,000 viewings, although the public counter is somewhat lower.  Go figure.

The channel now has 298 uploaded videos, but reaching this viewership milestone is significantly due to our top ten (especially top two) videos:

Click Images to Bigify

One hundred thousand of those viewings occurred during the past 12 months, with the top two videos garnering 23,497 and 19,765 viewings, respectively, during that period.

Currently, our top video performer (in terms of viewings) is Animal Alphabet Song Video, by Miss Jaymi (MPL early literacy specialist Jaymi Edwards, whom I call Wild Thang), which pulls down over 4,000 viewings monthly (4,222 for the past 30 days, for instance).  None of our other videos comes close to that count.  So congrats are definitely in order for Wild Thang.  I'd recommend canned tuna-in-oil as a celebratory gift, but that's just moi.  Wild Thang might prefer a new bowling ball.  Just saying, Boss Lady.

My Library began making videos for its YouTube Channel two-and-a-half years ago, so reaching 150K in viewership is something of an achievement, I'm thinking.  Statistics are a big deal at libraries, so we like to track them.

Hope We Hit 300 Videos Uploaded Soon, So I Have Something to Blog About,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Social Media News Beat

P.S.  Let's close with Miss Jaymi's Animal Alphabet Song Video, which is currently the most-watched video on the MPL YouTube Channel.  Be sure to visit Miss Jaymi's own YouTube Channel for many interesting and informative early literacy videos.

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