Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Flat Five Takes a Dive at Westfield Washington

"Flat" Cauli V, or Flat Five for short, has filed her report from her trip to Westfield Washington Public Library (WWPL), in Westfield, Indiana.  Vicki Parker, WWPL Children's Services Manager, organized Flat Five's itinerary during her visit, and it was replete with fun activities and new adventures, all in a grand library facility.

Click Image to Bigify

With Miss Vicki's help, Flat Five filed an excellent roving reporter story, complete with wonderful photos.  We converted it into a PDF file.  Click the icon below to take a peek.  Or click here.  Your call.

For moi, the absolute highlight of Flat Five's report was her unexpected swim in the swimming dinners friendly fishes tank.

Flat Five standing in front of WWPL's Friendly Fishes aquarium
(Thinking bad thoughts, eh, Flat Five?  Just saying.)

Those friendly fishes are WWPL's official library critters, so, of course, they were off-limits for snacking purposes.

Flat Five made so many new friends at WWPL.  The great pictures are worth another look-see.

For Flat Five's photo captions, be sure to read her PDF report embedded above.

Thanks again to Miss Vicki and all the terrific staff at Westield Washington Public Library.  You, too, should visit WWPL next time you're in the neighborhood.  Say, a quick Google map would be helpful.  As always, click the images to bigify.

WWPL is adjacent to Asa Bales Park.  Asa Bales, who was originally from Mooresville, was one of the founders of Westfield (1834), along with Ambrose Osborne and Simon Moon (there were two Simon Moons associated with the Mooresville area, so it can be confusing.  This blog post, and especially this book, might clear things up a bit.)  Asa Bales moved to Westfield around 1832 (where he opened a general store) after first settling in Mooresville.  He was the first person to move into Mooresville after it was founded by Samuel Moore (1824).  Bales built a house on the south side of East Main Street near the present location of the Mooresville Times building but, before that, he boarded with Samuel Moore while he (Moore) was starting his general store at the heart of town (1820s-1870s).  Bales served as the town's first postmaster (1826) and was also a member of the first town board.  He also owned the first tavern in Mooresville, and the town's first school was held at his house.  Bales became secretary and trustee of the Mooresville School Society and was a driving force in the town's educational development.
It's nice to know that WWPL is situated adjacent to a park that commemorates a prominent Hoosier pioneer who was intimately connected with Westfield and Mooresville.  It makes our two communities, and, consequently, our libraries, feel closer together.

I thought it might be helpful to circle some of the other Indiana communities that Flat Five has visited in her library critters world tour.  In addition to Westfield Washington Public Library, these have included Thorntown Public Library (noted above) and Morgan County Public Library (in Martinsville, noted below), as my previous blog posting reported.

Great job, Flat Five!  First-rate reporting.  I'd give you a raise, but you work for free, so I'll triple your salary.  Three times zero . . .  Well, it's the thought that counts.

Stay Tuned For More Library Critters World Tour News on My New Blog (on the New MPL Website, Due to Launch Soon),

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Critters World Tour News Beat

P.S.  Here's a YouTube video showcasing highlights of Westfield Washington Public Library's summer reading programs (2010).

1 comment:

  1. That looks like it was an awesome visit! I'm glad the you had such an adventure in Westfield!


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