Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flat Five is Back From Gatlinburg

"Flat" Cauli V (or Flat Five for short) is back from Gatlinburg, Tennessee, bearing some great gifts from Porter C. Bibliocat, boss feline at Anna Porter Public Library (APPL).  Click the images below to bigify.

Official Letter of Greetings & Salutations
from Porter C. Bibliocat

Nifty Porter Bookmark

Personal Note from the Big Fella

APPL Brochure (outside)

APPL Brochure (inside)

Porter C. Bibliocat

I could use one of these nifty baskets
(Make it so, Lady With the Red Hair)

Flat Five says that this was a wonderful library visit on her worldwide library critters tour.  APPL has a fantastic facility, with top-drawer collections, a tremendously friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful staff, and some fabulous mountain vistas.  Plus, of course, there is Porter, who is quite world-famous, as you can see here.  If you happen to be traveling to Gatlinburg, be sure to drop by to visit Porter and his library colleagues.  They will welcome you and show you what's what.

Thanks For Hosting Flat Five, Porter & APPL Staff,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Flat Feline Library World Tour News Beat

P.S.  "Smoky Mountain Rain," recorded most famously by Ronnie Milsap (1980), became the eighth official state song of Tennessee on June 3, 2010, by joint resolution of the Tennessee General Assembly.

1 comment:

  1. Cauli,

    I have a ton of baskets already made up. You can take your pick. Nothing but the best for you!



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