Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Jet Lag For a Toucan Must Be a Real Drag

Sammy the Toucan posted another video (first night there) on Broadway Gal's ALA blog. Sorry I can't embed the video here, but you may watch it by clicking you-know-where.

Sammy said that jet lag was setting in.  Jet lag for a toucan must be a real downer.  True statement, as Sammy would say.

Broadway Gal said the hotel where they're staying has awful, snail's pace Internet access, so she's going to post pictures and videos later.  Works for moi.

No sign of Flat Seven in the video.  If I know Flat Seven, she was either snoozing on the balcony, or she was raiding the mini-bar.  That would explain why she hasn't filed any roving reporter stories yet.

Hope to See Everybody Home Soon,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
ALA BigBash News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of hotels, here's "Holiday Inn," by Elton John, from the LP Madman Across the Water (1971).

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