Sunday, June 10, 2012

Electric Buzzards (Prelude)

Our Library's composer, whom I call the Music Man, has begun composing a symphony (if my terminology is correct) entitled Electric Buzzards.  Here's the general scenario:  Survivors in a post-apocalyptic world flee from the chaos and destruction but are pursued by those bent upon their annihilation.  Some of these power-mongers have salvaged the last remaining jet aircraft.  The "main character" survivors know trouble has arrived when they see in the distant sky these aircraft circling other fleeing survivors, waiting to zoom in for the kill--like electric buzzards (hence the album title).

Pretty grim?  Post-apocalyptic works are really huge right now.  One need only mention The Hunger Games to illustrate the point.  The Music Man is simply anticipating a musical need.  With the success of the movie adaptations of book series like The Hunger Games, there will be other post-apocalyptic movie spin-offs that, frankly, could use some fantastic music to carry the plots.

Not that the Music Man is composing Electric Buzzards for movie soundtracks--although I'm sure he would be quite happy to do so, if good money were being paid--but I think motion pictures could benefit from his creativity.  That's my two cans of tuna-in-oil, for what it's worth.

Here is the Prelude to the first movement of Electric Buzzards.  Click the video player below to have a hear.  Imagine the post-apocalyptic scenario beginning as the survivors flee the collapse of civilization, or something along those lines.

Take note, all you movie producers out there.  Don't forget my 10 percent commission.

Watch For More Musical Selections, as the Music Man Composes Them,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Instrumental Music News Beat

P.S.  Want to hear the Prelude as a soundtrack to one of the Library's book trailers?  Sure you do.

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