Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Quite the Starry Night, Indeed

by Junior, of Junior's Farm
MPL Special Feline Correspondent
Arts & Crafts News Beat

Broadway Gal, Miss Alicia, and many young volunteer patrons have made terrific progress on the Starry Night Mural in my Library's Youth Services Department.  Just some touching-up, and the project should reach completion.  You know you want a look-see.

Click Images to Bigify

Pretty darn outstanding artwork, I'd venture.  See what painting-by-numbers can do?

Another Great Youth Services Project, Broadway Gal,

Junior, of Junior's Farm
MPL Special Feline Correspondent
Arts & Crafts News Beat

P.S.  Ha!  Beat you to it this time, Cauli!  Arts & Crafts are MY turf.

P.P.S.  Hey, Junior--four words:  Delete key; administrator status.  Just saying.  ~ Cauli.

P.P.P.S.  The Music Man composed an entire album based upon Salvador Dali surrealist paintings.  The album's called The Persistence of Memory (2011).  Here is one of the Library's book trailers that used a selection from this album as its soundtrack.


  1. Well Cauli, here's some breaking news...our mural is actually not really finished yet. We still need to do some second coats and we've decided to darken up the sky a bit. It looks a little too much like a Starry Day...I will let you know when it is officially completed! You will know once the masking tape is removed! And it will be a very flashy moment...let me tell you!

    1. Thanks, Broadway Gal. Junior made a correction. These young reporters! What can you do with them?


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