Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Three Times More Space

Exactly 72 years after the dedication of MPL's Carnegie building, the "new" Library at 220 West Harrison Street (my home and yours, if you're a feline roving reporter like moi) was dedicated on January 27, 1988.  It was three times larger than the Carnegie and added a community meeting room, along with many other patron-friendly features.  Want to read all about it?  Sure you do.  You know where to click.

Stay tuned.  There will be more recent Library history in future postings, as we count down to our 100th anniversary celebration on May 12, 2012.

My late colleague and relative, Jules Le Chat, used to hang out around the 1988 building back in 2004 or thereabouts.  I suppose Jules, then, was the original "feline roving reporter" for MPL.  Well, perhaps she was the prototype.  The job wasn't created until I came along.

You can see the 1988 building when you visit the Library.  We're still attached to it.  Today, the 1988 Library building houses our Youth Services Department.  If you'd like a tour, just ask Broadway Gal or Wild Thang.

A Great Place to Hang-Out, My Library,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library History News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of constructing buildings, here's "If I Were a Carpenter," composed by Tim Hardin and covered by Bobby Darin (1966), for whom it was a top ten hit single on the U.S. charts.

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