Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This One Got Moi All Choked Up

Okay, this one got moi all choked up.  You know where to click.

This is what the former MPL Carnegie looked like 4-1/2 years ago (October, 2007).

Click to Bigify

Looks practically as good as it did when it was new (1916).

Mooresville Public Library (Carnegie Building) (1916)

Notice in the 2007 photo that subsequent owners restored the sideways stairways to the entrance that existed in the original structure.  This had been changed in the early 1960s renovations (see below).

MPL Carnegie with Renovated Entrance Stairs (ca. 1963)

What a grand library the Carnegie once was!  Maybe someday it will serve as a library or museum.  There's plenty of life left in the ol' grand gal there.

Service With a Smile at the Ol' Carnegie (and at the Modern MPL Today, Too),

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library History News Beat

P.S. Click the play button in the audio bar above to listen to a recording of Andrew Carnegie reading aloud from his essay, The Gospel of Wealth (1889). The recording (1914) was made on a wax cylinder invented by Thomas A. Edison.  Click here to read a free downloadable copy of this and other essays by Carnegie (1901).

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