Monday, May 28, 2012

Remembering Three Terrific Slobberdogs

This Memorial Day (Monday, May 28, 2012), I would like to remember two terrific slobberdog pals, Hershey and Spitfire, who, three weeks ago, passed over less than 24 hours apart.  Let's add their slobberdog comrade, Shiloh, who passed 14 months ago.

 Spitfire chows down while Hershey patrols (far left, by hose reel) (2006)

 Hershey with the Lady With the Red Hair (2006)

 Uncle H doesn't let a little snow bother him (2005)

Buffalo Gal with Spitfire as a pup (1996)

Buffalo Gal and the Music Man playing
with Spitfire as a puppy (1996)

The Lady with the Red Hair with Shiloh (2005),
who truly enjoyed her din-dins (Shiloh, I mean)

Spitfire (a girl beagle slobberdog) was 16 years old, and Hershey (a boy whippet slobberdog) was 14 years old.  We called him Hershey, because his dark brown coloring reminded us of the candy bar.  Then, he was known as Uncle Herschel, because of the menu item at the Cracker Barrel restaurant chain (we have an odd sense of humor).  Finally, he was just Uncle H.  Spitfire was always Spitfire.  Never has a name fit a slobberdog so well.  Her furrowed brow and perky, spring-in-the-step always suggested an intelligent, lively, happy pooch.  Uncle H was high-strung, but there was never a more kindly, good-hearted slobberdog to walk the earth.

These were great friends and protectors.  Along with fellow (girl) beagle Shiloh, who passed over in March, 2011 at age 14, this slobberdog trio protected all of us felines and peoples who hung out together at Kindly Couple's house. I always felt safe knowing that they were patrolling the perimeter of the yard.  They couldn't go any further, because Kindly Couple had installed an invisible fence (i.e., electric wiring and collars) to keep the slobberdogs close to home.  They were grand slobberdogs.  Everybody liked them, and they returned the sentiment.

I'm sorry nearly all of my readers never had the wonderful experience of knowing these good friends.  If you have slobberdogs of your own, you know how terrific they are.  I kid around about canines, but they are fantastic buddies.

Hershey appears to have passed in his sleep sometime during the day while his people family were away at work.  He had been in declining health for several months, but there seemed to have been reason for hope that he would improve.  Perhaps this was just wishful thinking.  He did not seem to have been in severe distress the day before.

Spitfire was arthritic but otherwise healthy when Hershey passed.  That night, she was heard howling pitifully.  She realized she was without her last canine companion, and it broke her heart and spirit.  The next day, she was discovered already half-departed.  Kindly Couple rushed her to the V-E-T, but there was only one humane choice.  That didn't make it less painful.

The world is a sadder place without Spitfire, Hershey, and Shiloh.  But I know that they are all together in the Summerland.  That's a certainty that is some small comfort, at least.  They will greet moi when my time arrives, and I will be most happy to see them again.  We will have many fun adventures to come, of that we may be assured.

Remembering My Great Slobberdog Pals Today and Everyday,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Memorial Day News Beat

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