Thursday, May 24, 2012

More Skywatching at Goethe Link Observatory

In my previous posting, we saw some photos of the Library's staff field trip to the Goethe Link Observatory.  Want to see more pictures?  You bet you do.

The Observatory casting a long shadow

Big Telescope scanning the heavens
for Mars and Saturn and other universe stuff

Boss Lady & Handyman Dude
should be looking up, right?

This dude is really huge
when you're standing close by

Attitude controls help you know where to point

This behemoth is moved by a tiny half-horsepower electric motor

Computer monitor tells you what you're looking at

Looking through the roof slit tells you the same thing.  Pretty much.

Stargazerman explains it all
(Note those neat wooden battens)

Nifty observatory factoid:  The dome is constructed entirely of wood.  Well, there are some metal tracks on which the whole business spins around.  Pretty cool!

Auditorium downstairs is just the place for
astronomy classes to meet and learn

Flat First gives an astronomical lecture
(Thanks for the boost, T.L.W.T.R.H.)

Lots of great photos on display there

Flat First in the observatory's research library

Guess my library card won't work here

Goethe Link's old summer cottage is about a
hundred yards from the observatory

Hey!  The observatory used to have a baby dome!

The outbuilding was used to study asteroids
back in the 1950s and 1960s
(but has since been removed)

It was quite an adventure.  We got to see Venus (through another telescope in the field behind the observatory), Saturn (with its rings and larger moons), and Mars (I think--Flat First didn't personally get to see the Red Planet, but I think some other folks did).

You should visit Goethe Link Observatory sometime. The observatory is located at 8403 Observatory Road, Martinsville, IN 46151, on the west side of state road 67.

For information on events, contact Jeff Patterson at the Indiana Astronomical Society.

STILL Waiting for My Sandwich, Boss Lady,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Staff Field Trip News Beat

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