Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flat Five Visits Browser at Pine River

"Flat" Cauli V (or Flat Five for short) is currently visiting Browser, the Pine River (Minnesota) Public Library Cat.  Browser has kindly posted on his Facebook page about Flat Five's arrival.

Browser graciously shares his breakfast with Flat Five

Meanwhile, "Flat" Browser has been traveling to California to soak up the sun.  (Or is that real live Browser?  Photos make things look two-dimensional sometimes.)  California is one big sun patch, I'd venture. Plenty of sunshine for a feline to lounge around in.  (That's probably ungrammatical, but it is nonetheless true.)  Read all about his exciting trip in Browser's blog.

I'm looking forward to Flat Five's reports about her adventures at Pine River.  It is so cool to travel to such distant places!  Minnesota is on the other side of the world, isn't it?  When you weigh about 10 pounds and stand under 18 inches from the floor, geography seems more spread out than it does to people.

Of course I know where Minnesota is.  I can read maps.  I was taught as a kitten when I hung out with the local Boy Scout troop.

Put Flat Five To Work While She's There, Browser,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Flat Feline Library World Tour News Beat

P.S. Robert Allen Zimmerman was born in Duluth and grew up in Hibbing, Minnesota. He has written so many great folk songs (as Bob Dylan); I hardly know which one to choose as my musical closer. I'll go with my favorite: "Lay Down Your Weary Tune" (1963), which was unreleased until Dylan's compilation box set Biograph (1985). Sadly, I can't find a music video of Dylan performing the tune, so we'll move along to . . .

P.P.S.  I first heard Dylan's song as covered by the Byrds on the album Turn! Turn! Turn! (1965).  Was it the Byrds' folk-rock interpretations of Dylan's songs that prompted the master to turn electric?  I'll never tell.


  1. You guys have so much fun! I wish we had some library cats in our city! I think the Los Angeles library system is too complex and too stuffy to welcome kitties into their branches.

  2. It's been fun following Browser and Flat Cauli adventures! Like the Dylan track :)


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