Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Flat Five is Tennessee Travelin'

On her library critters world tour, "Flat" Cauli V, or Flat Five for short, has once again taken to the U.S. Mail, bound for Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  Flat Five will be visiting Anna Porter Public Library (APPL) to see Porter C. Bibliocat.  We've borrowed some photos from Porter's picture stash on Facebook (thanks!).  Click images to bigify.

Porter C. Bibliocat
Anna Porter Public Library
Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Porter is Boss Cat at APPL and clearly
knows the best way to run a staff meeting

Here are more pix from APPL's photo galleries on Facebook.  I hope they don't mind if I borrow a couple of my favorites.

A Real Fireplace!  How Totally Cool is That?

Okay, Boss Lady.  We need a real fireplace in our Library like this one that APPL has.  Just saying.

APPL's Stained Glass Mountain Range

What an absolutely fantastic stained glass mountain range mural!  Why don't WE have anything as wonderful as this at our Library?  Just asking.

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

How can we get some of those beautiful mountains here in Mooresville, Boss Lady?  Check your supply catalogs!  I bet you can order some.  You can get practically everything on the Internet.

We're plenty excited about Flat Five's adventures with Porter C. Bibliocat and the great staff at Anna Porter Public Library.  I'll keep you posted on all the exciting details.

Really Wish I Were Visiting Anna Porter PL Moiself,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Critters World Tour News Beat

P.S.  Here's a promo trailer (from YouTube) for the 4th annual library luau (2009) to raise funds for the APPL building fund.  This video happened three years ago, so you should check the APPL website to see what's happening this year.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, my AAB goes to Gatlinburg almost every year! Flat Five will love it. Maybe I should get AAB to take me this year?


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