Monday, May 14, 2012

Flat Five is Pine River Bound

"Flat" Cauli V, or Flat Five for short, is bound for Pine River Public Library, home of Browser the Library Cat.  Browser is a world-famous library feline, and he invented the concept of "flat feline" globe-trotting to libraries and other places we felines (flat or otherwise) like to visit.  Of course, we all owe a debt of gratitude to Flat Stanley and his creator, Jeff Brown, who created the whole flat-mail scenario.

Browser, the Pine River (MN) Public Library Cat

Browser with his Flat Counterpart
(Both quite handsome, I must say)

(Thanks to Browser and Pine River Public Library for letting us include these photos in our blog.)

Flat Five's Next Stop
on her World Library Critters Tour

Pine River Public Library, which was founded in 1965, has been a branch of the Kitchigami Regional Library System since 1969.  Prior to the formation of KRLS, the county library was known as Cass County Library (for those fifty-somethings who were, like Scowl-Face, visiting libraries way back then, although Scowlly lived in Indiana and frequented the Wells Memorial Library).

We are looking forward to hearing all about the exciting adventures that Flat Five will have with Browser and the Pine River staff, patrons, volunteers, and friends.  I, moiself, have never been to Minnesota, but I've read books by Minnesota authors F. Scott FitzgeraldGarrison Keillor, and Michael J. Nelson.  From photos I've seen online, Minnesota looks beautiful, and I know lots of kind, intelligent, feline-loving people proudly call the state home.

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
"Flat" Cauli World Tour News Beat

P.S.  We enjoyed Michael J. Nelson's novel, Mike Nelson's Death Rat! (first published in 2003), so we made a book trailer about it.  It's a funny book that you might enjoy, if you like Nelson's dry wit.  For Evergreen Indiana library cardholders, the book is available to check-out.  To see my book review, you know where to click.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing about flat Cauli's visit to see handsome Browser at Pine River library :)


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