Saturday, May 26, 2012

Flat Five Bears Gifts From Browser

Browser, the Pine River (Minnesota) Public Library Cat, has sent gracious gifts along with "Flat" Cauli V (Flat Five), who has just returned in the U.S. Mail.  Click images below to bigify.

We have a special travel log for Flat Five as she journeys on her library critters world tour.  Browser's thoughtful gifts will be included, for sure.  We would have included Tober, the Thorntown (Indiana) Public Library Cat's kind gift of swimming dinner shavings, but we ate them.  (Burp!)

To where is Flat Five next bound?  (That sounded more poetic in my head.)  You'll have to follow along to see.

Flat Five Had a Great Time, Browser; Thanks For Hosting,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Critters World Tour News Beat

P.S.  Check out this video of Browser the Library Cat meeting Bo (or Beau) the Hardware Store Slobberdog.  Everyone was friendly, but, as Browser demonstrates, "meet 'n greet" with slobberdogs should be "short and sweet."


  1. Browser does not seem to mind a meet and greet with the minions (i.e. dogs) in small doses.

  2. It was a pleasure having you with us Flat Five AKA Cauli Le Chat.


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