Thursday, May 10, 2012

"Flat" Cauli V Returns! With Shaved Swimming Dinner!

"Flat" Cauli V (Flat Five for short) returned today from her adventures with Tober, Boss Cat at Thorntown (Indiana) Public Library.  She brought a nice note from Tober and--this was simply fabulous!--a bag a real shaved swimming dinner!!!

Click to Bigify

N'yum, N'yum, N'yum

This was the real deal, folks.  No faux-flavored treats for moi.  Tober sent real swimming dinner shavings.  These were fresh, even if my minions thought they smelled fishy (what else would they smell like?  Sometimes humans can be kinda dense).  I decided to share this delicacy with my special correspondents.  Boy, I've never seen so many felines come running so fast!  It's like people when the chocolate comes out from the desk drawer.

Thank you so much, Tober and his AB and AABs, for this wonderful surprise.  Flat Five got a portion, too, by the way.  Since she's flat, she has to eat swimming dinner shavings.  'Cause they're flat, too.

Tober has posted more adventures with Flat Five.  This is simply must-read, so be sure to click here.

Where will Flat Five be heading next?  Well, remember, she bilocated to also see Morgan the Library Bunny at Morgan County (Indiana) Public Library.  But that doesn't mean that she can't continue on her library critter world tour.  Next stop--Pine River (Minnesota) Public Library to see Browser the Library Cat.

Flat Five Can Be In Two Places At Once, Which Is Pretty Cool,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
"Flat" Cauli Library Critter World Tour News Beat

P.S.  In 1975 John Lennon released a singles compilation album called Shaved Fish.  It included "#9 Dream," which was released as a single in the U.S. in 1974 and the U.K. in 1975.


  1. How sweet of Tober to send a gift along - that shows real class!

  2. Isn't Tober a very thoughtful kitty. We are so glad you enjoyed your special treat :)xx


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