Friday, April 20, 2012

The Purple Rose of Mooresville

Scowl-Face has posted some more cool photos of the Library's Through the Decades centennial display for the 1920s-1930s.  Some new items have been added.  Click here to see the pictures.

I especially liked this 1930s dress.  Was it worn by the "Purple Rose of Mooresville?"  If you think I'm going to tell you who that was, you're barking up the wrong tree, slobberdogs.  Ask Scowl-Face.  He will surely crumble under the pressure.

Want a hint?  I thought as much.

Actually, I don't know who wore this dress.  But it could have been the person I'm thinking about.  If not, it should have been.

Maybe The Lady With the Red Hair Will Model For Us,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library 100th Anniversary News Beat

P.S.  Bobby Horton recorded "The Yellow Rose of Texas" as part of his traditional folk album Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 1 (1985).  Hasn't everybody sung this folk song in school at some time?

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