Monday, April 2, 2012

Our Kingpin Makes a Spare

Wild Thang, who geeks bowling, provided moi with a decent punchline for a promo trailer that the Library made this afternoon.  We borrowed her photo from her Geek the Library poster for our video.

MPL Program Trailer #25
Early Literacy Fun, by Miss Jaymi & Sammy the Toucan

Maybe I'm sounding like a broken record, but I think their early literacy blog and videos are quite groundbreaking (to mix metaphors).  The Library needed a promo trailer (you guessed it) to promote their fine work, and so my team of moderately-trained minions jumped into action. Well, stumbled is more like it, but you get my drift.

Need some sunscreen there, "Flat" Cauli II?  Those overhead lights really sap your vitamins.

You Know What a Broken Record Sounds Like, Right?  Just Asking,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  For my readers who have never listened to scratched vinyl (for most 33-1/3 r.p.m.), or shellac resin (for 78 r.p.m.), records, listen to "Magnolia Simms," by the Monkees, which simulated the "pop-and-scratch" and "skipping" sound effects.  It didn't actually skip, however.  The song, which was written by Michael Nesmith and Charles Rockett, was included on the LP The Birds, the Bees, & the Monkees (1968).

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