Saturday, April 14, 2012

Animals Aboard Titanic, Revisited

Since the 3-D version of the movie Titanic has been released recently to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the passenger liner's sinking, I thought I'd reprise my Library's blog postings discussing the animals that were aboard Titanic and the traveling Titanic exhibit that we saw in January 2011.

The tragedy began a century ago tonight.  The last of the survivors has passed, so eyewitness testimony is relegated to the copious literature on the subject, which interested persons should peruse.  Information about Titanic is available in gigantic quantities.

Early tomorrow morning, if you are so inclined, say a prayer for those lost (humans and other animals) in the most famous sea disaster in modern times.  They will appreciate it.

Surprisingly, my Library doesn't have a book trailer for this title, but there's a good review available.  I can't really add much to that, other than to say that I, too, immensely enjoyed reading it.  Well, I had Scowl-Face read it to moi.  What are minions for, if not my personal convenience?

To Everyone Aboard Titanic, All Now Passed Into History,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter

P.S.  We reprise "Sweet King William's Town," composed by Daniel Buckley (1890-1918), who survived the Titanic's sinking but was killed during World War I trying to save comrades' lives on the battlefield.  We originally included this video as musical closer to a previous blog posting.  His online grave listing includes some biographical information, plus this photo we've borrowed (below).

Daniel Buckley (1890-1918)
Titanic Survivor & U.S. Veteran of W.W. I

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