Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Has Sprung Around the Library

by Cauli Le Poussin
MPL Special Correspondent
Nature News Beat

Hey!  Wow!  Look around at all this super-cool nature stuff at the Library!  Outside!  Spring has certainly sprung as you walk along Legacy Lane around the perimeter of the building.  Click the images below to bigify.

New to Legacy Lane?  Formally, it's called the MPL Pathway to Knowledge: Grounds for Learning Project.  You may even have commemorative engraved pavers placed there!  How cool is that?

It certainly is good to see all the wonderful new growth around the Library.  Hey, I was just hatched!  EVERYTHING is beautiful to moi.  (I'm a French chick, just like Cauli Le Chat is a French feline.)

Saunter around outside the Library, as well as inside, on your next visit.  You'll like what you see, and you can see what you like.

My Very First Post--Deadline Met, I'd Say,

Cauli Le Poussin
MPL Special Correspondent
Nature News Beat

P.S.  Ray Stevens sees the world like a newborn chick.  "Everything is Beautiful" (1970) topped Billboard's Hot 100 Pop Singles charts.

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