Sunday, March 25, 2012

Signing Bonus

Looks like I'm receiving a signing bonus at MPL.  Beginning sometime around the middle of this week, say, Wednesday (March 28) or thereabouts, the big flashy sign outside my Library should be featuring moi in its slide rotation.  My blog photo (the one with the cool press hat) should be included, if Scowl-Face worked the software correctly (big if, let moi tell you).

My Name Up in Lights (Soon, Baby, Soon)
MPL Flashy Sign at the Intersection of
West Main & South Monroe Streets

What will this new stardom mean for moi?  Well, I'm thinking some TV spots for canned tuna-in-oil advertisements.  Sorry, Charlie.  Then a leading movie role.  My people will talk with Spielberg's people.  How about a prime-time television series?  Hey, it worked for Salem Saberhagen.  I'm more real than Salem was.

Will fame and fortune go to my head?  Hardly.  Could any feline be more modest than moi?  Just ask my legions of fans and minions.

This is not the first time I've suggested putting my photo up in lights. Remember my suggestion about the flashy billboard?  Well, that was Photoshop.  This time, it's the real deal.

So if you see my beautiful self up in lights as you drive by the Library next week (and thereafter), be sure not to run off the road.  I know how dazzling my image can be.

Pay Raise?  Just Saying, Boss Lady,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Sign News Beat

P.S.  "A Sign of the Times" (1966), by Petula Clark, peaked at #11 on Billboard's Hot 100 Pop Singles charts.  She introduced the song on The Ed Sullivan Show (February 27, 1966 broadcast).

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