Friday, March 2, 2012

Sammy's Big Letter Day

It's Sammy the Toucan's big letter day!  Wild Thang (Miss Jaymi) and Sammy covered the letter S s in their early literacy video this week.

If you're interested in developing young readers, be sure to visit Wild Thang and Sammy's blog, Explore to Learn:  Early Literacy FunThe letter S s blog should be posted sometime today, if not sooner.  (UPDATE:  Okay, Monday, March 5, at the latest.)

One of these days, I'll get to introduce Wild Thang and Sammy's blog, as well as The Miss Jaymi Channel, as their "award-winning" blog and videos.  Time will bear moi out on this.  Remember--you heard it here first.

Are There YouTube Video Awards?  Just Asking,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  How's this for a great musical closer?  "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," as visually interpreted by our own Wild Thang!  Just plain fantastic, I'd say.

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