Monday, March 12, 2012

Philadelphia Freedom

Boss Lady and Wild Thang are attending the Public Library Association (PLA) national conference in Philadelphia this week, and they are already doing the tourist thing.  Want photos?  Here are a few emailed to moi by the adventure duo themselves.

Wild Thang & Boss Lady
by the Liberty Bell

Wild Thang & Boss Lady Standing
Next to Robert Indiana's Love Sculpture
in Philadelphia (the "City of Brotherly Love")

Did you know that world-famous artist Robert Indiana lived in Mooresville, Indiana as a child?  He attended the Mooresville Academy School and Newby Elementary School.  Indiana once credited his Mooresville art teacher with instilling his interest in art.

Robert Indiana (Mooresville Moments 10, by Mooresville Public Library)
(Click Video Above to Play)

The MPL Indiana Roving Reporter Room has several biographical items about Robert Indiana in its collections, and the Library has a Robert Indiana poster on display adjacent to the Media Alcove.

Sadly, everybody forgot to have "Flat" Cauli II (or any of the other "Flat" Caulis, for that matter) ride along on the trip with Boss Lady and Wild Thang.  That's a real shame.  I completely forgot all about it, too.  I blame my minions for not reminding moi.

I wonder what other wonders ("I wonder, wonder, who-ew-ew-ew ... who, who wrote the book of love?"  Oh, sorry--broke out into song there) are in store for us from Philadelphia?  More photos, I'm hoping.  I wonder when they'll find time to attend PLA workshops?  Just asking.

Wouldn't Mind a Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
PLA News Beat

P.S.  This seems like a good time to reprise my Library's video, "MPL @ PLA," created by Wild Thang and Broadway Gal.

P.P.S.  "Philadelphia Freedom" (1975), by the (short-lived) Elton John Band, was released as a single.  It did not appear on the original LP Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy (1975), although this music video's background image would suggest otherwise.  It was added to the playlist of the reissue CDs during the mid-1990s and the 30th anniversary reissue edition (2005).

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