Saturday, March 31, 2012

New Geek Posters For Sammy & Moi

Sammy the Toucan and I have new Geek the Library posters on display at my Library.  Check 'em out!  Well, I mean look at them; it's not like checking-out books or movies or other stuff with your Evergreen Indiana library card.  Click to bigify the images below.

These posters are great examples of marketing libraries with resident (or, in my case, roving) animals, about which Beatrix Butterfly and I presented a workshop at last November's Indiana Library Federation (ILF) state conference in Fort Wayne (the Lady With the Red Hair and Scowl-Face helped a little).  Sammy is becoming quite the famous figure from our Library, thanks to Wild Thang and Sammy's early literacy blog and videos.  Patrons routinely comment about moi when they see Scowl-Face wearing a button with my blog photo on it. Plus Sammy and yours truly are headliners on the Library's outdoor flashy sign.  So our marketing methods must be paying some dividends, at least for our loyal and adoring fans.

Sammy also has another Geek poster that says he geeks Wild Thang. That's on display in the MPL Youth Services Department.  The button is a great touch.

Our patrons love library critters like us.  Especially moi.  True statement, as Sammy would say.

Stardom Has Its Perks,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Critter Marketing News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of marketing and sales brings to mind "Sweet Magnolia and the Travelling Salesman," by the late, great Dan Fogelberg.  The song appeared on his album Windows and Walls (1984).  It's a tribute to his first wife.  He's the "travelling salesman" (i.e., a traveling musician performing his tunes in public venues).  If I could sing, compose, and perform music the way Fogelberg did, I'd hit the road before you could say Jack Robinson.  I once heard him interviewed on some nationally syndicated radio program.  He was the nicest guy you could possibly imagine.

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