Monday, March 26, 2012

Moi on the Marquee

IT'S UP AND RUNNING!  I'm headlining the marquee on the Library's outdoor flashy sign.

MPL Headliner, For Sure

Click Images to Bigify

My Blog Photo is the Icon

That has to be the coolest thing ever in the history of feline-featured library flashy signs.  Should boost my readership statistics, I'm hoping.

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Sign News Beat

P.S.  My tagline refers to "Signs" (1971), by the Five Man Electrical Band, which we featured as a musical closer to a previous blog posting.  So let's go with "The Sign," by Ace of Base, from the album by the same title (in the U.S.) (1993).  Most of the tracks on this album were included on the re-release of the album Happy Nation (1993).

1 comment:

  1. OMC, this is awesome, Cauli! I am jealous - my human needs to put a marquee like that in front of our house.


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