Saturday, February 4, 2012

Three Cheers For Our PLA Video!

Wild Thang and Broadway Gal created a wonderful promo trailer to enter in a contest to win a partially-paid trip to the annual PLA (Public Library Association) conference bigbash in Philadelphia coming in March.  The top five finalists' videos were selected, but, sadly, theirs was not among them.  Frankly, I can't imagine why not.  This is a fun. flashy video, which certainly held my attention.  We felines like fast-moving visuals.

Wild Thang said I could post the video once the contest finalists were announced.  So here we go.

That's a winner by my standards!  We appreciate all the hard work, creativity, and just plain fun that our master videography producers/directors created for the PLA contest.  Honestly, I think Wild Thang and Broadway Gal could travel around the country doing "slobberdog and pony shows" to demonstrate how libraries could be creating videos to market their services and collections.  Just saying.

To see the top five videos selected, visit PLA's Facebook Page.

Maybe Your Promo Trailer Should Have Featured Moi -- Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Video News Beat

P.S.  To watch more videos by Wild Thang and Broadway Gal (and Sammy the Toucan), visit The Miss Jaymi Channel on YouTube or the MPL Explore to Learn:  Early Literacy Fun blog.

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