Friday, February 17, 2012

Slobberdogs Stampede into Friday Features

This edition of Friday Features (i.e., what's currently being watched on the MPL YouTube Channel) sees a slobberdog stampede into the current top ten list.  Fortunately, the slobberdog books are well worth reading.

Click to Bigify

Our book trailers may give some idea as to what these literary slobberdogs are up to.

If You Give a Dog a Donut, by Laura Numeroff (Felicia Bond, Illustrator)
(MPL Book Trailer #120)

Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home
and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals, by Rupert Sheldrake
(MPL Book Trailer #24)

You may find these books in our Evergreen Indiana online catalog.

Maybe next week we felines will make a comeback into the current top ten viewing list.  I call upon all kitties to watch our book trailers about cats.  Just do this Google search:  MPL youtube book trailer cat, and you should find plenty of feline book trailers by my Library.  You could also browse our playlists on the MPL YouTube Channel or search that channel for cat book trailers.

C'mon, cats!  Let's show those slobberdogs some real viewing numbers!

Next Friday, Cats Will Rule!,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
YouTube Statistics News Beat

P.S.  Slobberdogs can perform useful chores around the homestead.  Consider, for instance, this slobberdog called Monkey, who cleans the house and attends to other domestic chores while his human is away.

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