Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leppies' Return Invasion

You can tell it's almost March around my Library, because the Decorinator has brought out the leprechauns again.  You may remember them from last year.  Looks like some scary additions have been made.

Flowers Are a Nice Touch

I don't remember this dude from last year, but he scares moi all the same.  Li'l Reader Dude must be frightened, too, because he's as still as a statue.  The flowers are a nice touch, though.  I'm guessing Paul Hadley would have given this leppie a miss as a watercolor painting subject.

Hey, would you like to see more paintings on display at my Library?  Sure you would.  Click the images below to play.  But you already knew that.

Back to the leppy invasion.

Limber Leppies Doing the "Splits"

That hurts just looking at it.

These Hats Look New

Leppie Slobberdog is "Old Hat," Though

Hank Makes a Dashing Irish Dandy

Willie, Too, Looks Sharp

No More Lucky Charms Cereal For These Leppies

Another Fantastic Adornment, Decorinator,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Decoration News Beat

P.S.  See what your parents were watching on television from this Lucky Charms commercial (1973).  See why I find leppies scary?

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