Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kaunas Continues (More Lithuanian Adventures)

by "Flat" Cauli IV
Flat Feline Foreign Correspondent

We continue with our adventures in Kaunas, Lithuania. (If you missed my last posting, you'll want to click here to catch up. If you want catsup, that's another thing altogether.)

As we kept walking down Laisvės Alėja, I found myself very distracted with all of the interesting sites, as well as sights, along the way! First, I kept seeing stores that called themselves "Kepyklélé." Miss Shay told me that this means "bakery."  We looked into the window of some of the kepyklélés, and what we saw made our mouths water! There were so many delicious-looking breads and desserts. We were on a bit of a time crunch, however, so we didn't stop in to get anything, but before I go back home, I'll definitely be making a stop (or several) at one of these little bakeries!

Another interesting site was this statue of a man holding flowers. The flowers were real! Miss Shay told me that people put new flowers or other gifts in his arms and hand every day. She wasn't sure why they did this or really who the man was at all. So we googled him. He is a Jewish singer named Danielius Dolskis, and his statue was erected in 2007. We couldn't figure out why people give him flowers. Maybe it's just a nice tradition?

Right next to the statue of Danielius Dolskis, there was a giant Christmas tree. Usually, I am told, the Christmas tree isn't there. It's actually a fountain, but for the holidays they put a giant tree there. Even though it's not Christmas anymore, it was still a nice tree.

 Library at Vytautas Magnus University

Agne teaches some Lithuanian words to "Flat" Cauli IV

Finally we made our way to Vytautas Magnus Univeristy Library where we met Miss Shay's Lithuanian tutor, Agne. For the next hour and a half, we practiced our Lithuanian together.  We worked on vocabulary and tried to learn some of the verb tenses. Lithuanian is considered an Indo-European language. Here are some words I learned:  

  • Lithuanian: lietuviškai
  • English: angliškai
  • American: Amerikos
  • Hello: labas
  • Bye: viso gero
  • Please: prašau
  • Thank you: ačiū

Viso gero! 
Your "Flat" Feline Foreign Correspondent,
"Flat" Cauli IV
Reporting for Cauli Le Chat

P.S. Thanks to my editor, Miss Shay, for helping moi type my travel log (my basketball injury is improving, but pain hurts, so better to rest my paw to avoid further strain).

Shay Laws
English Teaching Assistant
Vincas Grybas Gymnasium
Luksiai, Lithuania

P.S.  Danielius Dolskis (1891-1931) sang "Aš Myliu Vasaros Rugiagėles," which I can't translate (sorry, my Lithuanian lesson didn't get that far).  Dolskis was born in Vilnius, Lithuania.  He first gained fame as a popular singer when he performed at the Vila Rode, a popular restaurant in St. Petersburg, Russia, just prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917.  In 1929 Dolskis moved to Kaunas, continuing his restaurant-singing career.  (Americans should equate this to singing in posh, high-class nightclubs.  We're not talking the local "greasy spoon" here.)  Dolskis wrote original songs in Lithuanian, and he also translated and covered English songs.  Some of his versions were parodies, and, along with humorous monologues, he kept his audiences amused.  He recorded several long-playing (LP) records between 1929-1931, one of which you're hearing on this "music video" clip.  Dolskis is buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Kaunas.

P.P.S.  Scowl-Face says that stage singers (opera in particular) are given flowers at the end of their triumphant public performances.  Perhaps that's the meaning behind Dolskis' statue's flowers?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Flat Cauli,

    Your Lithuanian adventures have been fun to read. I'm hoping you bring some goodies home from the bakery. You've become quite the international traveler. Where do you plan to go next and can I go with you?


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