Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Flat" Cauli Hits the Slovakian Slopes

by "Flat" Cauli IV
Flat Feline Foreign Correspondent

Hello again, friends of Mooresville Public Library! "Flat" Cauli IV here! Sorry for my delay in posting, but I've been on holiday (the European term for "vacation") in Slovakia for the past week. I know--first I travel all the way to Lithuania and then get to go to Slovakia! What a lucky flat cat I am!

My new friend Miss Shay had been planning a trip to the Jasna ski resort in Slovakia with her Lithuanian host family.   So, a couple of days after I arrived in Lithuania, we all jumped in the car and drove straight from Sakiai, Lithuania, through all of Poland, and straight to the Low Tatra National Park in Slovakia. The ski resort is located in the Low Tatra National Park, on the northern and southern slopes of Chopok.

Miss Shay had been skiing before, but I never had, so I was a little nervous when we first approached the slopes, and I saw how steep they were! But, blinded by the beauty of the mountain and encouraged by Miss Shay and her nice Lithuanian friends, I braved the mountain and had so much fun!

"Flat" Cauli IV, Mountain Climber
"Because It's There"
(Click Images to Bigify Photos)

Here I am on top of the mountain! Can you believe that view?! The first two days that we were at Jasna, it snowed a lot, so it was difficult to see very much, but, wow, when the clouds cleared, I couldn't believe my eyes! Without the snow storms, the sky was bright blue and the clouds were sparse (of course, they were still there, but they were higher up.  We weren’t skiing through them like we were the days before).

Hold on tight!  It's a long way down

Here I am after riding the ski lift to the top of the mountain again.

Tasty Treat, Indeed!

While I had so much fun on the slopes, one of the best parts of the day was when we stopped to drink a little hot chocolate together at the bottom of the mountain. The hot chocolate was delicious (it was really thick, almost like hot pudding with whipped cream!), but it was also nice to stop and take a little break to warm our freezing toes and noses! Most days the temperature was about -3 degrees Celsius, but one day it dropped to -15! (That's only 5 degrees Fahrenheit!). This is a picture of my friends Miss Shay, Miss Marija, Miss Urte, and moi while enjoying our hot chocolate!

Bunny slope?  Not 'round here

After our hot chocolate, we were back on the slopes for more fun! Here is a picture of us on one of the cloudy days. Check out those clouds! Can you believe I was skiing through them!?  That's how amazingly high we were in the mountains.
I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about my ski trip to Slovakia.  Too bad you couldn't have joined us.  Maybe next time, for sure.

Your "Flat" Feline Foreign Correspondent on the Go,

"Flat" Cauli IV
Reporting for Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Thanks to my editor, Miss Shay, for helping moi type my travel log (my paw is still sore from my basketball injury).

Shay Laws
English Teaching Assistant
Vincas Grybas Gymnasium
Luksiai, Lithuania

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