Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cauli Art Contest

As part of Cauli Le Chat Appreciation Day this week, Wild Thang had her charges draw official Cauli art.  Let's have a look!

These were the drawings we had as of this past Wednesday.  There have been plenty more made since!  Wild Thang is holding a contest, and I get to judge the best of show.  That's an awesome responsibility, one which I take quite seriously.  In my book, everybody who created Cauli art deserves praise.

Meanwhile, our donation campaign for canned cat food and dog food for Morgan County Humane Society is going nicely.  Today will probably be our last day to collect cans, because we're heading to Martinsville, Indiana on Monday (2/27/12) to deliver the donations.  "Flat" Cauli III wants to accompany my minions and moi.  She feels left out in the traveling department, since most of the other "Flat" Caulis have traveled far and wide, as reported in my blogs.

Good job handling the donations, "Flat" Cauli V.

Drop by the Library today with more canned pet food donations.  We'll appreciate it.

Cauli Art is Way-Cool,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Programs News Beat

P.S.  Thinking of moi leads easily to "Phenomenal Cat," by the Kinks, which appeared on the album The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (1968).  As is true with most Ray Davies' tunes from this period, there is social commentary and philosophy to discern, if you're into that.

1 comment:

  1. Really lovely Cauli artwork! Well done to flat Cauli for donation work :)


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