Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Talk to the Slobber-Paw

Paws to Read is returning to my Library beginning Saturday, February 4, 2012, from 10:30-11:30 a.m.  Students in grades K-6 may participate.  The program recurs on the first Saturday of each month.  Registration is required, so please call (317) 831-7323 or visit our online calendar to register.

(Translation:  "Skip to the part where the St. Bernard saves the day . . .")

If you attended Paws to Read last year, you already know what fun you will have reading to slobberdogs.  If this is your first experience, you'll have a grand time.  Slobberdogs are fantastic listeners who love story-telling.  You could not possibly have a better audience.  We felines get too restless and want to skip to the parts where the cats catch the critters (if that happens in the book being read, which, if not, it should.  That's a classic story line!)

Slobberdogs, however, are not particularly adept at readaloud.  Their vocabulary is somewhat restricted.

Example:  A slobberdog reads to a young human.

Slobberdog:     Bark!
Young Dude:    What happened next?
Slobberdog:     Woof!
Young Dude:    Who did that?
Slobberdog:      (Whining noise).
Young Dude:     Then what happened?

(and so on and so forth ad nauseam).  Actually, young dude seemed to be following along quite well.

Still, reading to slobberdogs works best.  The person reading gets good practice with readalouds, and the slobberpooch learns about new, exciting stuff.  Believe me, slobberdogs need to learn a lot.

Keep It Simple--They're Slobberdogs, After All,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Reading & Literacy News Beat

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