Thursday, January 5, 2012

National Winged Dinners Day

Today (January 5) is National Bird Day.  I, of course, would call it National Winged Dinners Day.  Why a special day for these high-flying snackables dudes?  Well, there are several solid reasons:
  • Winged dinners have beautiful plumage, are wonderful singers (usually), and they can fly, which is way cool.
  • Roughly 12 percent of the world's avian species will face extinction in the 21st century. 
  • Public education and awareness are crucial if we are to preserve our feathered meals friends.
Official Hoosier State Winged Dinner (For Felines)

So honor your favorite fliers today!  Take some photographs, put out some bird seed, and pay our respects to these truly fascinating masters of the air.  I promise not to eat any for the rest of the week.

Blue Jays Are the Tastiest--Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Holiday News Beat

P.S.  What better musical closer could we present than "Skybird," by Neil Diamond, from the soundtrack to the motion picture Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1973).  Diamond composed the soundtrack, which is as orchestrally beautiful as the graceful birds shown soaring in the film.  The album grossed more than the movie.  It is one of my favorite Neil Diamond compositions.

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