Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Features -- Sledding Treasures and Prehistoric Critters

This week's Friday Features shows what's currently hot on the MPL YouTube Channel.  Drum-roll, if you please . . .

Click to Bigify

New to the current top ten list is our book trailer for the children's classic Snow Treasure, about which we have previously blogged in my Cauli 4 Kids blog.

Click Image to Play Book Trailer

The Lady With the Red Hair randomly selected #89 (out of our 142 current book trailers) to showcase in today's Friday Feature.  I wonder which video that is?  I only remember the important videos (i.e., those about moi.)

Click Image to Play Book Trailer

My Library blogged about this book trailer, too.  Watch out, though--it's a Scowl-Face snooze-post.

Are these books available in our online Evergreen Indiana catalog?

Thanks For Watching Our YouTube Videos,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
YouTube Video News Beat

P.S.  Our musical closer today is the I-P Alphabet Song video that Wild Thang (Miss Jaymi) created for her early literacy programs, blog, and YouTube channel.  It, too, has climbed this week's top ten hit parade.

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