Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trying Out Lithuanian Pronunciations

You may have wondered how our new "Flat" Stanley-style Lithuanian friends pronounce their names.  Well, thanks to the Internet, you can hear some examples.

"Flat" Dovydas (pronounced Do-Veh-DAHS)
(Click here to listen to the pronunciation)

"Flat" Geidre (pronounced GEE-der)

"Flat" Aisté, as seen in Miss Jaymi & Toucan Sammy's video
(pronounced ICE-Tee)
(Click here to listen to the pronunciation)

Maybe some readers wonder how to pronounce MY name.  Well, in English it sounds like CALL-lee.  As in cauliflower, like my bad ear.

Try the pronunciations for yourself.  It's fun!  Sorry if we sound sort of strange, but learning to pronounce words in other languages can be tough at first.  But we learn a little bit more about other cultures, and that, my friends, is always a good thing.

Speaking of which, "Flat" Caulis (there are many "Flat" Caulis, as you can tell by the Roman numerals we assign to each one) are talking about traveling to Lithuania to visit our "Flat" friends' school!  Would that be super-exciting, or what?  I'll have my minions get started on the paperwork.

If you missed my previous blogs about our Lithuanian friends, under "Blog Archive" on the right side of the screen, under the "2011" and "December" headings, click the titles to the blogs featuring "Flat" Dovydas, the Victorian Christmas Celebration, and "Flat" Geidre (which included "Flat" Aisté).

Having Lots of Fun With Our "Flat" Stanley Pals,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Lithuanian Travel News Beat

P.S. InCulto performed "Eastern European Funk" as Lithuania's official entry in the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest.  Want to visit the group's official website?  Sure you do.

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