Tuesday, December 27, 2011

MPL YouTube Channel View Counters Stuck Again

The viewing counter on the MPL YouTube Channel is stuck again!  Not just the one for the entire channel, but the counters for each of our posted videos are also frozen.  Apparently, lots of folks are experiencing this difficulty.  Google has posted an explanation, but talk is cheap, pal.  Just fix it already.

This makes it tough for my minions to update the top 50 most popular MPL videos playlist.  Google Analytics will tell us the current viewing count for each video, if we log-in and call-up the data individually.  We have 234 videos presently uploaded to YouTube, so checking stats for each one takes considerable time.  More time than I've got to spare at the moment!  So we'll have to be satisfied with knowing that our YouTube viewership has just passed 80,000.

Stuck in the Middle With You,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Social Media News Beat

P.S.  "Stuck in the Middle With You," by Stealers Wheel, seemed a suitable musical closer to this posting.  The song, composed by Gerry Rafferty and Joe Egan, appeared on the band's self-titled debut album (1972).  Somewhere there's a video online showing Stealers Wheel (Gerry Rafferty singing lead) lip-synchs the song on the BBC television programme Top of the Pops (1973).

P.P.S.  Technological problems can be quite frustrating.  Just ask Scowl-Face, whose face is presently beet-red over the whole YouTube viewership counter freeze-up thing.  He should take Michael Nesmith's advice and "Roll With the Flow," from Papa Nez's album And the Hits Just Keep on Comin' (1972).

P.P.P.S.  Want another "freeze" song?  Sure you do.  Here's "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out" from the LP Born to Run (1975) by Bruce Springsteen.  Yes, that's the actual long-playing record (33-1/3 r.p.m.) playing the tune.

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