Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas at the Zoo (Part Une)

Last night "Flat" Cauli III, my minions, and I visited "Christmas at the Zoo," a special holiday evening program at the Indianapolis Zoo.  Be forewarned:  night digital photography is not Scowl-Face's long suit.

Elkenfroster at the Zoo Entrance

Outside the front entrance of the zoo was an elkenfroster.  This one was much larger than the youngster that visited my Library during Mooresville's Victorian Christmas celebration.  We weren't able to get a photo with "Flat" Cauli III posing with the elkenfroster, because the audience was too large.  So we paid our wooden nickels (that's an old family joke) and entered the zoo grounds.

Holiday Lights Were Everywhere!

First thing we noticed when we were inside the zoo was the glorious spectacle of holiday lights that shone everywhere we looked.  It was a beautiful sight to behold, to which Scowl-Face's shaky photo does little justice.  "Flat" Cauli III then began clamoring for a photo op, so we took her picture to quiet her down.

"Flat" Cauli III poses beneath a light-strung bush

Some discourteous dude made a crack about how he couldn't believe Scowl-Face was taking photos of a "cardboard chunk" out in the cold.  The dude's leg made an ideal scratching post for moi.

There were several wild critters in lights all around the zoo.  The photos are blurry when bigified, but they don't look too bad in the smaller scale (below).

Love My Big Cousins in Lights! 

It's Morgan the Library Bunny in Lights! 

Glow Bear on the Prowl 

"I am the Walrus, goo goo g'joob"

In Part Deux of our holiday zoo visit, we'll see some real wild critters with moi and more silly poses by "Flat" Cauli III.  Stay tuned.

"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together,"

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Holiday Zoo News Beat

P.S.  Now I've got "I Am the Walrus," by the Beatles, running through my head.  Somewhere on the Internet there's this song from a clip from the group's television movie, Magical Mystery Tour, first broadcast (in black-and-white) on December 26, 1967, on BBC1.

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