Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Popcorn Saturdays at the Library

Everybody likes popcorn, right? Well, I know some felines who don't partake, but more of my acquaintance love the stuff. People do, too. When I go to movie theaters, there's always somebody sitting next to moi stuffing his face with popcorn. And that's just Scowl-Face.

My Library used to make free fresh popcorn for patrons on Fridays.  World traveller was the driving force behind this tasty service, as she enjoyed seeing people smile when they were handed a bag.  We have our own popcorn maker, too, which looks, more or less, like this, with the only difference being that ours is a full-size, floor-standing, vendor-style machine.

As of last Friday (November 4), it was decided that we should move our free popcorn to Saturdays.  Why the change?  Beats me.  Scheduling issues, presumably.  We live and breath by the Library calendar around here.

Anyway, Saturdays seems like a great day for popcorn.  I'm down with it.  Drop by some Saturday and grab a bag.  Please dispose of empties properly, though.  I don't need Woodsy Owl breathing down my neck.

Is It Buttered, Too?  Just Asking,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Popcorn Giveaway News Beat

P.S.  "Popcorn" (1972) was a Moog synthesizer-laden instrumental by a band called Hot Butter (Stan Free, keyboardist, along with Dave Mullaney, John Abbott, Bill Jerome, Steve Jerome, and Danny Jordan).  The song, which was a pioneer effort in electronic music, was composed by Gershon Kingsley, who recorded it on his album, Music to Moog By (1969).  Hot Butter's version reached #9 on the Billboard Hot 100 pop singles charts, although Scowl-Face swears that he remembers hearing it reach #3 on American Top 40 With Casey Kasem, to which he listened faithfully every Saturday night (repeated on Sundays) on WASK-AM radio.  Better check Joel Whitburn's music books (or online) to settle the argument.  Whitburn is the authoritative source for American music chart histories.

P.P.S.  Here's a public service announcement (PSA) (1977) from the U.S. Forest Service spokescritter, Woodsy Owl.  Now that jingle will be stuck in your head all day.

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