Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Photo Ops!

As a feline roving reporter, I come across many news stories at my Library.  So do the human reporters at our local newspaper, The Mooresville-Decatur Times.

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You remember Casey at the Bat, whom my Library hired back in September?  Here she is sharing a Clifford book at my Library's recent Celebrate Clifford event.  Of particular interest is Marley, the Golden Retriever, who helped launch the festivities.  (Marley is not a "library critter" as such, but his presence did assure a successful program.)  Ordinarily, all things slobberdogish would try my patience, but I'm down with Celebrate Clifford.  Who wouldn't like a big red slobberdog?  Plus, there was a collection for the Morgan County Humane Society.  That's going to help lots of adoption-ready slobberdogs and kitties!  But what they really need is your love and adoption.

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Speaking of recent newbies, here's a photo of three newly-hired Library staff.  You already know Casey at the Bat (center, in photo); now meet Toni the Tigress (left in photo; see what "Cauli name" you get when you wear leopard spots?) and School Media Master (shown on the right).

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Here's a great news story (with photo) of Wild Thang's early literacy blog.  Why no picture of Sammy the Toucan?  Just asking.

As you can see, there is always big news happening at my Library.  Of course, there was no story about, or photo of, moi (or "Flat" Caulis, for that matter), but newspapers have limited space, so some important items must fall by the wayside.  (Thanks, William Tyndale, for that catchy phrasing, and for trying to help ploughboys become more educated than the elitists in your society.)

"To Plough Once in the Winter Sowing," etc.,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
New Staff News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of ploughmen, "The Background to History, Part IV," opened side two (or was it three?) of the THREE-sided LP album, The Monty Python Matching Tie & Handkerchief (1973), now available on CD sans the three-side gimmick that made the vinyl record so innovative.  All the humorous content remains on the CD, of course.  "Background to History" presents some authentic historical snippets, and the songs are really catchy.  Python Terry Jones is a real historian, and all the Pythons held degrees from Oxford or Cambridge.  We even have a book trailer about one of Terry Jones' history books.  Naturally, we would.  The book is available in the Evergreen Indiana catalogMatching Tie & Handkerchief is also available in the E.I. Catalog.  Monty Python is grown-up humor, so parents, be forewarned.

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