Saturday, November 26, 2011

New Slobberdog Restaurant Downtown

It is always great news when a new restaurant opens in downtown Mooresville, Indiana.  I make the rounds to these establishments, as they always have great food, especially what their human customers don't eat.  That leaves a veritable feast for us felines generally, and this roving reporter specifically.  "Dumpster diving" may seem unseemly to some of my readers, but for cats, it's just another day at the office.

This morning's edition of the Mooresville Decatur Times ran this story about the new cafe:

Click to Bigify

My keen feline radar focused immediately upon the business' name, Ralph & Ava's Cafe & Catering.  (I prefer ampersands.)  The moniker is not that of the human owners; rather, the name is derived from their two slobberdogs. What that means, of course, is that the slobberdogs, Ralph and Ava, are the actual proprietors of the establishment.  That's good news for us local domestic critters, I'd venture.  It's about time we had a feline or canine business operating downtown, especially one that deals in tasty meals.  I was particularly pleased to learn that tuna and chicken salad were on the menu.

I was surprised to read in the newspaper article that Sadie, one of Ralph & Ava's slobberpups, was not hired as dishwasher.  Slobberdogs are fantastic dishwashers.  Just watch two of my slobberdog pals, Hershey and Spitfire, when they're dishwashing at Kindly Couple's house (where I occasionally hang out).  Those plates have never been so clean!  I'd reconsider about Sadie, Ralph & Ava.  Good employees are hard to find.

Want to know a little history behind the building in which Ralph & Ava's is situated? That's Scowl-Face's department. If you're interested, checkout this handout.

Take a peek at Ralph & Ava's Facebook page for more details about this new eatery.  Also check out Ralph & Ava's new website.  So, will there be a special table for moi?  I prefer by the window.  Just saying.

Getting Rather Hungry Now,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Local Business News Beat

P.S.  Thinking of food reminded me of "Savoy Truffle," one of George Harrison's songs from the Beatles "White Album" (1968).

1 comment:

  1. New restaurant sounds purrfect! Hopefully with your charm and good looks there will be chicken and tuna dinners waiting for you Cauli :)


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