Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Winged Thanksgiving Dinner

Preparations are underway for my Thanksgiving din-dins.  Here is what I've requested on my personal menu.  Of course, there will be a Winged Thanksgiving (T.G.) Dinner.  You might call it a turkey.  I call it supper.

Deep-Fried Winged T.G. Dinner

Some Deep-Frying Equipment For Your Winged T.G. Dinner

Deep-frying your turkey can be dangerous, especially if you are unfamiliar with the equipment.  Please exercise all possible precautions if you choose to deep-fry your Winged T.G. Dinner.  Here are some good safety tips.

Extra-Crispy, I'd Wager

What are for "go-withs," Kindly Couple (who will be preparing this feast for moi)?

Makes My Mouth Water Just to Look

I'm pretty much all set for the big day, except for my pilgrim hat.  Wild Thang promised that I could have a pilgrim hat just like the one Sammy the Toucan wore in their early literacy blog for Thanksgiving.  But Wild Thang took the day off, so who's gonna make my hat?  Broadway Gal comes through, as always.

Not Sure About "One Size Fits All"

That should take care of all the Thanksgiving details for my feast.  Sorry, but there's only enough for moi.  Make yourselves a sandwich.  Toast the bread if it's stale.  Works for Scowl-Face.

Like all good journalists, we need to hear an opposing viewpoint.  Something about the "equal time" doctrine.  I thought that only applied to political candidates and the media.  Still, better safe than sorry.

I suppose now we'll have hoggerpiggy-lovers all up in arms (or legs).  What say you, hoggerpiggies?

Right Backatcha, Pal

Maybe I should just go vegetarian for Thanksgiving.

Save Those Leftovers For Moi -- Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Thanksgiving News Beat

P.S.  Mary Chapin Carpenter's "Thanksgiving Song" is a contemporary classic for this holiday season.  The song appeared on the album Come Darkness, Come Light:  Twelve Songs of Christmas (2008).

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