Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Free Downloadable Music From Moi

The Music Man has graciously allowed moi to offer my loyal readers a free download of the complete MP3 files for the musical selections on his latest CD, Images of Autumn (2011).

Click to Bigify
  • Checkmark the song(s) you wish to download.  Mediafire may require you to download and install a toolbar option for your web browser to download multiple files simultaneously.  This is not required if you download them separately, however.
  • On the left, click "download selected" and proceed as prompted. 
  • Repeat as necessary to download all the songs you want.
Please let us know if you like the full versions of this music by leaving comments.

Thanks for Your Loyal Readership,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Music News Beat

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cauli, Thanks very much to the Music Man for allowing the free download of his latest songs :) Our two legs mom will attempt to download them shortly. She did try to email Bill (Scowl-face as you call him!) but the email wouldn't send for some reason :( Could be a Yahoo mail problem!


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