Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Flat" Cauli II Travel Log

Boss Lady sent moi an email that included "Flat" Cauli II's travel log on their cruise.  Unfortunately, photos did not turn out, due probably to rough seas making it difficult to hold the camera steady (see my previous post about steadicams--just saying).  But we do have a detailed itinerary report.

Valor (of the Carnival Cruise Lines)

"Flat" Cauli was the celebrity passenger on the Carnival Cruise ship, Valor, upon which "Flat" Cauli and her entourage (Boss Lady and family minions) sailed from Miami port on the last Sunday in October.  Valor departed port (wouldn't that be deported?  Makes sense to moi) at 4 p.m.

The theme for the first two days was "fun at sea."  "Flat" Cauli enjoyed the seafood bar and those cute umbrella drinks.  So that she could watch her human shipmates better, she lounged on the upper deck.

Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman Island

On Tuesday of their voyage, "Flat" Cauli walked the plank to Grand Cayman island.  She enjoyed the white, sandy beach.  There was a human who climbed inside an inflatable ball and attempted to walk on top of the ocean.  I would have paid good money from the library's coffers to have seen a video of that.

Roatan Island, Honduras

Wednesday's visit was to Roatan Island (Honduras), but "Flat" Cauli found it covered in jungle, loaded with spider monkeys (no fun being chased by them!), parrots (not nice like Sammy the Toucan), and pirates (more fun to hang with, but kind of rough gamesters).  Boss Lady treated "Flat" Cauli to a spa and massage.  That must have been heavenly!

Snorkeling at the Belize Barrier Reef

Belize Barrier Reef

Kinda Shallow . . . Now What?

Thursday "Flat" Cauli's retinue disembarked at Belize to snorkel the great barrier reef.  Like many felines, "Flat" Cauli is not a water baby, and so she elected to remain aboard ship.  She ventured aboard a dinghy, sitting along the side in anticipation of swimming dinners jumping out of the water into her mouth.  No such luck, reported Boss Lady.

Swimming Dinners . . . NOT!

Boss Lady was concerned about shark encounters, but, fortunately, none occurred.  She was equipped with a Swiss army knife, however, in the event that a shark attacked--not to use against the shark, but rather to stab her husband (and official "Flat" Cauli security dude) to save herself!  That's fairly harsh, but we gals sometimes have to do what we have to do.


"Friday was Cozumel," reported Boss Lady.  "We headed for the beach where we participated in a Mexican cuisine experience."  They were the chefs for the meal, which strikes moi as slightly inconvenient, since travellers are supposed to be served forepaw-and-hindpaw rather than be forced to cook for others or themselves.  It was, after all, a full-service cruise.  On the upside, Boss Lady prepared "Flat" Cauli's favorite dish (salmon).  "She licked the platter clean," observed Boss Lady.

Example of Henna Tattoo

In a somewhat startling development, "Flat" Cauli considered getting a Henna tattoo!  I'm not sure that would have fit with my feline image, but, hey, when travelling to exotic places, one considers all kinds of wild adventures.  "Flat" Cauli also enrolled in an animal towel class.  Boss Lady said that she made a monkey out of her towels, but that may have been euphemistic.

Don't All Cruise Ship Captains Look Like Captain Stubing?
(Gavin MacLeod from The Love Boat Television Series)

On Saturday Boss Lady and "Flat" Cauli met the captain of the Valor.  The captain was naturally charmed by "Flat" Cauli, and he promptly provided her extra helpings from the seafood bar.

South Beach, Florida

Sunday saw the journey's end when the ship landed in Miami.  "Flat" Cauli found her retirement home in South Beach, as she and her entourage absorbed the local color and cuisine.

Many thanks to Boss Lady for helping "Flat" Cauli II serve as special feline correspondent on the cruise.  Boss Lady has been awfully busy since returning, so I appreciate her taking time to assemble an excellent news report.  "Flat" Cauli II would have written it herself, but she's still trying to get the sand out of her cardboard fur, so keyboarding on the Library's computers remains off-limits.

Still Jealous That I Didn't Get to Go Along, Too,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Travel News Beat

P.S.  Enjoy this video of the Belize Garifuna Woman's Group performing a traditional song at Dangriga Town, Belize.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Boss lady and flat cauli must have had a whale of a time! The island and clear water looked so beautiful. I can see why flat Cauli didn't fancy a shark dinner!


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