Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fancy Some Feline Fun This Weekend?

by Harley Quinn
MPL "Cub" Reporter

Guess what's happening at the Indiana State Fairgrounds South Pavilion this weekend?  Go ahead, give it a try!  Can you guess?  Give up?  Okay, can I tell you now?  Can I, can I, can I pleeease?

[You'd better humor her; otherwise, she'll go on like that for hours.  --Editor's Note from Cauli.]

The 2011 Cat Fanciers' Association National Cat Show, that's what! November 19-20, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., both days.  If you don't know where the state fairgrounds are, here's an address for your GPS:  1202 East 38th Street, Indianapolis.  I'll even throw in a telephone number for good graciousness:  (317) 927-7622.

Admission prices are:  Adults, $6; Children (ages 4-12), $5; Seniors $5.  (I assume we're talking humans here.)  No indication of how much felines will be charged.

There is an assortment of activities planned.  It's a pretty full dinner dish, I'd say.
  • There are educational sessions, in which you may learn breed histories, feline nature (a very deep subject indeed), how to select a companion kitty (nice to know), and cat grooming techniques.
  • Thrill at feline agility as cats complete an obstacle course!
  • Visit the CFA Breed Council education booths for lots of learning moments.
  • Cat-Adopt-a-Thon, where forever homes may be found for 100 rescue cats.  This is VERY important, so make sure you get involved.
  • Discover how cats are judged at cat shows and how they operate (shows).  Well, maybe how kitties operate, too.
  • VENDOR AREA!  FREE GOODIES ALERT!  Make some new friends and discover lots of feline-friendly products and services.
What better way to spend your weekend than with us show felines?  You could rake leaves, clean the gutters, or put away the lawn furniture instead.  Now make a choice!  Easy, wasn't it?  Kitties win everytime, paws down.

CFA shows are pretty exciting, even for us regular kittens.  If you love cats, and you should, naturally, then you will have a grand time.  We felines know how to entertain and educate.

Can I Be Best of Show?  Can I?  Huh?  Pleeeease?  Can I?

Harley Quinn
MPL "Cub" Reporter
CFA News Beat

P.S.  "Three Cool Cats" (1958), by The Coasters, was the B-side to the group's hit single, "Charlie Brown."  Among several other groups, the Beatles covered the song, but the Fab Four didn't handle it nearly as well. A rare fumble by the boys from Liverpool!  Enjoy this vintage stereo recording.

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