Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MPL YouTube Channel Viewer Counter Frozen

Scowl-Face is running around in circles, squealing like a tiny tot, because the MPL YouTube Channel's video viewership counter has frozen at 62,240.  According to the "insight" feature offered to YouTube account holders, the actual viewership count is (as of this moment) 64,703.  He insists that I include a graphic to prove it (eye-roll).

Click to Bigify

Librarians obsess over statistics like this.  I guess they're used to gauge departmental accomplishments in delivering library services to patrons.  Anyway, I don't know what all the fuss is about.  YouTube counters routinely freeze up.  Search YouTube, and you will find a gazillion videos complaining about this problem.  Google-search it, and you'll discover even more web commentary about how frustrating it is to whoever is most irritated.

I don't know if the YouTube big-wigs will be fixing the current counter difficulty--they seem to have addressed this issue in the past with moderate success--but you can bet Scowl-Face will wear a hole in the library carpeting as he paces back and forth in the MPL Indiana Roving Reporter Room.  You can't miss him; he's the one muttering under his breath and looking particularly annoyed.  They don't call him Scowl-Face for nothing.

Numbers Are Overrated,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Statistics News Beat

P.S.  Pete Townshend of The Who once claimed that he wrote the keyboard accompaniment to "Baba O'Riley" by programming the vital statistics of Meher Baba into his synthesizer and then playing the musical result.  Some music critics dispute this, suggesting that Townshend was playing a Lowry organ on the track.  The song opens the album Who's Next (1971).  The song title is an homage to the song's musical and philosophical influences of Meher Baba and Terry Riley.

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