Saturday, October 1, 2011

More Birthday Fun

Sparkle the Designer Cat, who has been a loyal long-time reader of my blog and is a world-famous author to boot, offered an '80's-style New Wave rendition of "Happy Birthday" by Devo.  If you never saw any Devo videos back in the day, then you missed some clever, funny performances and quite innovative music.

So, as a present to Morgan the Library Bunny, who celebrates the "terrible twos" next Friday, October 7, 2011, here's Devo singing "Happy Birthday."

Also from roughly the same time period, Stevie Wonder released his uniquely upbeat version of "Happy Birthday" on the album Hotter Than July (1980).

Then there's a cute kitten "singing" "Happy Birthday."

I'm hoping to have my human minions attend Morgan's birthday bash to take photos and interview attendees, but I probably won't be able to go myself, because Boss Lady has me pounding the library news beat 24/7.  However, "flat Cauli" might make an appearance in my stead.  We're still in the planning stages, but I'll see what I can arrange.

When's My Birthday Bash, Boss Lady?  Just Asking,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Birthday News Beat

P.S.  Devo's biggest hit was probably "Whip It," from the album Freedom of Choice (1980).  What an appropriate title for the end of ALA Banned Books Week.

P.P.S.  Devo felt "out-Devo'ed" by "Weird Al" Yankovic's parody, "Dare to be Stupid," from the album by the same title (1985).


  1. Morgan is really getting the deluxe birthday song set!

  2. You spoil me so! I hope your humans and Flat Cauli can make the trip. Does Flat Cauli require any special treats?

  3. No special treats needed for "Flat Cauli," Morgan. My minions will have their digital camera to take some snapshots. Thanks!


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